First Ultrasound! Heartbeats!

Just had my first ultrasound. Im 6 weeks 1 day but the ultrasound says 5 weeks 5 says which my OB said is normal. There was a tiny flickering pixel which is the heart beat! 103 bpm. Im told that is normal by my OB do hoping hes not just being nice! I have had 3 previous miscarriages so this has been another scary ride but so far things are looking ok. I did experience some light spotting but it seems to have gone for now. Literally have almost no symptoms ...except a sore lower was great to see something on the ultrasound i was beginning to think i wasn't actually pregnant! ☺ im on pregnisilone for thyroid antibodies and aspirin...hoping these two drugs do the trick and save this little one. Fingers crossed! Have you had an ultrasound this early and if so how many bpm was the heartbeat. ☺