Advice from fellow glow users much needed!! Not sure if it's implantation or my period

Sunday I started feeling pretty gross I kept getting dizzy and I didn't have much of an appetite.. Monday I noticed that I started spotting it was definitely brown and pink which isn't normal I usually bleed pretty heavy. I went through 2 tampons and neither of them were full... I woke up at about 4am Tuesday morning with abdominal pains and my tampon had more on it than the day before.... Since I changed it I've had nothing but light spotting. I tried to eat breakfast this morning and ended up running to the bed bc I was so light headed... I almost fainted and ended up sleeping for 2 hours... I'm not sure what's going on but I'm concerned if I should go to the emergency room or not... Any advice helps!! I've also had lower back pains and my head has been feeling pretty funny... Any suggestions?