Trouble getting 1 year old to eat

I've already switched her to cows milk and she won't eat the baby food anymore but I'm having a really hard time finding anything she will actually eat. The only thing she eats good is yogurt. I've tried everything and she takes two bites then shakes her head no. She will eat Cheerios in the morning but when I put her in her high chair and try to give her something more stable she won't eat it. She just had her 1 year check up and her pediatrician said she is the perfect weight (20 pounds) and to just let her know who's boss and basically make her eat. But I'm really struggling with it. What's some ideas on food for a picky 1 year old??? 😫😫😫 Its getting to where I'm giving her more bottles a day just to fill her up instead of slowly weaning her off the bottle. I'm kinda just just at my wits end!!