Am I crazy?

I'm 14 and I was talking to a 25 year old (as friends and we just talked about our problems and made eachother feel better) then I really fell for him. Well something happened and he got mad and stopped talking to me. I feel literally addicted to him. I cried and threatened to call the police and find a way to get him arrested if he siding talk to me. Well we talked more but I decided to not talk to him anymore bc he has serious problems with wanting to kill himself and just things like that. It's been a month and I still imagine or create scenarios in my head about us getting married and having a family things like that. I created a "fake snapchat" saying a random boys name and the initials of where he works so he thinks it's just another guy from work. I only have him added just to check in on him and see that everything's okay. I feel crazy doing it though. Anyone?