
I want take a moment to brag about my hardworking husband he's been working so much lately and I hate it bcs I miss him & don't get to spend a lot of time with him, and sometimes feel so Lonley since I stay home with our girls. But I know everything he does he does it for us. Anyway we've been having car issues and his car has been shutting down on him randomly. So yesturday he got off work like at 7 was stranded at work couldn't get his car to turn on so he finally got it to turn on but decided to stop by the local grocery store to get me doughnuts & fruit i had been craving. Anyway i didn't ask him to stop buy the store he did on his own. But I was furstraded bcs it was past 7 & he still wasn't home & I had been waiting for him to have dinner. So knowing his car would not turn back back on he risked stopping at the store & got stranded again had to call his brother and ended up pushing the car home & it's pretty far. So when I finally found out what was going on I felt bad of course bcs of all the trouble he went threw, I know he was tired he had a long day at work and furstraded about his car but still thought about me. So when he got home he walked in with my stuff I had been craving & with balloons and beautiful flowers. I cried bcs I sometimes don't see everything he goes threw to see me & our girls happy. I do appreciate him & I'm so thankful to have a wonderful husband like him who always thinks about me & our girls our marriage isn't perfect but I do feel like he's the perfect man for me & I'm glad I have him as my life long partner. I do thank God everyday for blessing me with a man like him. 😍😍☺️☺️