I went in to be induced 6/28/016 at 8:30am at 3cm dilated

I went in to be induced 6/28/016 at 8:30am at 3cm dilated. We started pitocin at 11am and broke my water at noon n I was at 4cm. The baby had pooped in the water (a little scary/worrisome). I started getting really intense super painful contractions. So I decided to go for the epidural. The lady came in and did the epidural n in the middle of it I got a intense contraction!! So hard to stay still!! But once it was in oooo sweet relief 👼🏻 the doctor checked me again and I was dilated to 5cm around 2pm. Next thing you know 4pm rolls around. They check me because I feel pressure n I'm fully dilated to 10cm. They tell the doctor n she gets ready n suited up. At 4:45pm I pushed Julian Joseph out in 2 pushes!!! The cord was wrapped around his neck but the took it off after the first push. They suctioned him n examined him n he was breathing fine even after having poop in the water! We are doing great!