Charlotte's birth story ❤️

The night of June 27 I began having contractions. They lasted about 30-45 seconds each, felt like period cramps and were around 3-5 minutes apart. They were tolerable if I showered or bathed, but because I am a first timer I decided to go in and just get an idea of where I was at. We got to the hospital the first time around midnight, I was 2cm and 80% effaced, in the first stage of labor. But since my doctor and I knew that stage could last hours and hours, my doctor told me to go home, take some Benadryl and try to sleep through it. After a very long shower, I slept for around an hour or so. Brandon was getting ready for work and I was laying in bed just trying to pass time. About 30 minutes after he left, back labor hit me like a train! All I felt was pain in my lower back, waves and waves about 2 minutes apart. I spent an hour and half on the phone with my mother, trying to get through them when I knew I just couldn't take it anymore. Brandon came home and we headed to the hospital again. As soon as I arrived, around 830, I was checked, 5cm and admitted! At this point I was crying through every contraction; I only felt them in my back and I just couldn't bear it. I got the epidural at 6cm (around 1030 by the time my labs were done). It didn't feel like anything at all, the hardest part was just holding still through contractions because the anesthesiologist has to try a couple times. The doctors and nurses began clearing the room, and about 5 minutes after the last one had left, I though I had to poop, so I called them back in! By this time it was about 1130. My doctor decided to check me because I was complaining of the need to poop, and sure enough I was 10cm and ready to go. All my doctor said was "you don't have to poop, you need to have your baby!" Everything was happening so fast, I was just in shock (crying again haha). I began pushing at 1140, but almost every other time I pushed Charlotte's heart rate dropped. They kept me on oxygen just to see if it helped her. They started talking about forceps, vacuums and even a c-section which scared me a little. My doctor asked me if we could try the vacuum, and I agreed. She put the vacuum on her one time, and in two more pushes she was born at 1218! She's 6 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches long. Even with the vacuum I only had a first degree tear! 🙏🏼  Everything happened so fast that I didn't even realize that she was completely out! (I was also messing with the oxygen mask haha). I can't explain the surreal feeling I had, and still have. She's been alive for about 17 hours now, and it still doesn't seem real. The first night has been crazy! She had a really good feed after she was born, but now every time she latches she just wants to fall asleep 😂. Thanks for reading!!