Gave birth yesterday contractions started getting constant at around 9am got admitted at 11am they k...

Gave birth yesterday contractions started getting constant at around 9am got admitted at 11am they kept me to monitor for 20 minutes, the contractions were coming every 2-3 min not bad ones mild I managed . Got cervix checked I was open at a 7!!! With not even much pain, contractions slowed down because baby would fall asleep so my doctor came in at 5pm to break my water that never broke on its own that was at 81/2 cm 20 min later IT WENT DOWN but I did it all natural no iv no epidural no nothing , GOD is good Marco Isaac was born a big healthy 9pound 5 oz baby! At 7:52 pm I was only in real pain the last hour . Oh and I pushed for 15 min :)