Up all night with contractions!!

Hey ladies!! We're at the end!! I'm 39 weeks today. 3 days ago at the doctor I was 3cm dilated & 90% effaced.. Baby's head was super super low. Last night I was up all night with horrible contractions.. Started at 15 mins apart. Grew stronger and closer to 3-5 mins apart. Also had the worst heart burn I've ever had in my life. 2 calls to the hospital (they told me to labor at home for a while until the contractions were at a consistent 3 mins apart)  Got the bags in the car and then decided to wait a half hour more. I finally fell asleep at 4am. Woke up the morning a little crampy but so far no contractions. I have an appt with the doc at 9:30.. Fingers crossed she's wanting to meet her momma and daddy!! 😍