
Erica • 21💋👑| Baby J coming July🐣💙|Instagram: tiggggerlily
These last few months of my pregnancy my teeth have become very sensitive. Some days are worse than others. At first it felt like just one tooth, as if I had a bad cavity but as time progresses my whole mouth is in throbbing pain. My teeth are soooooooo sensitive to anything hot or cold. And right now I feel as if they are really sore, like if I'm having braces tightened. It's hurts sooo bad to the point where it wakes me up from my sleep. And this morning, not only do my teeth hurt, it's starting to give me an awful headache. I know during pregnancy your enamel weakens due to blood flow and hormones.... But is there ANYTHING I can do to help relieve the pain I'm in. I take my prenatals everyday and iron & calcium supplements as well. I just don't know what to do anymore as I'm writing this crying 😩 sometimes Tylenol won't even work. I don't know what to do.