It's either me or the dog...

Please help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My boyfriend of 6 months (then became my fiancé); broke up with me to pursue other women. It was a rocky roller coaster because he didn't come out and say he wanted to pursue other relationships; he just kept me hanging on saying he "just needed some time". This went on for two months- so I bought a puppy. I fell in love with her precious personality. My fiancé and I then got married a month after I bought her. Now, 6 months later- he's acting irrational because I love her. I took her to the vet and it cost $70 bc of a shot... And he is furious. He hates her and doesn't want her to be with us... He won't let me bring her on our vacation, etc.... Let me add that all those nights we dated and I couldn't find him at night bc he wasn't answering his phone or texts- she was my companion. She stayed up with me crying my eyes out or having panic attacks... What do I do?