going to try and convince my doctor to induce me today .

Tatyana • mother to a beautiful baby boy. engaged . 21 y/o
My due date is this friday. Im miserable. I can eat. Cant sleep. I cant walk. Or close my legs. Everything hurts. Im going to try to convince my doctor to induce me. Shes been very difficult i had a mid wife but they switched me to a dr. And she refuses to talk to me about methods of getting this baby out. She wont strip my membrane. She wont even talk to me about labor. My mother and father , whome i havent seen in 3 years are comming to see the baby on the 8th .. Or expecting to. My dad is sick and doesnt travel.. They will only be here for that weekend. And i reaaalllly need to have him so my parents can see there first and only grandchild. .. Any advice to try and convince her to induce me??.