Feel like I'm gonna lose my relationship with my first child


I know it's just change and a lot of hormones. However, I can't fight the feeling that I'm losing something and not gaining something with the new baby. I want to expand our family and can't wait to meet our new addition but feel like I'm losing my first son. I know he isn't going anywhere and that having the baby will be our new normal but it doesn't stop me from crying every time I think that 'oh this could be the last night I cuddle with him before bed before I'm also worrying about the baby'. Am I the only one who feels like this with the second baby due any day?!? Or that my first son will resent me when I'm not solely his. 
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Posted at
This whole post just makes me cry!! My 4 year old is visiting his father 4 hours away, has been gone since last Saturday and will be gone until July 6th..first time seeing his dad in months, and I've never been away from him for now than 2 days. I talk to him everyday but I'm a mess. His little voice in the phone... 😢 and I've got a 2 year old daughter who needs me here, but having her occupying me helps. Thing is, my son comes into my bedroom after my husband leaves for work at 6:30am and he lays in bed watching cartoons with me, saying "mom-mom.. I rub your back and I get cartoons".. I miss it, I miss him.. Great.. Now I'm bawling. Hang in there ladies. I'm trying!


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I know how you feel completely 😭 my daughter who is two is my world my best friend and I'm so scared when her baby brother comes she will end up being a daddy's girl and forget all about me 😭I know it might sound stupid to others but Its so true..


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I feel the same way my son is like my best friend and and I fear I'll be so cought up with my daughter he won't understand and will hate me ! 


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Totally get it. I have a nearly 2 year old who is stuck to me (and vice versa), like glue. Bond is strong, but Im terrified how the baby will impact our relationship. I also feel myself getting very impatient with her with things I'd normally be very understanding, calm and kind about. I'm hoping it's just fears and end of pregnancy hormones.  


Posted at
I felt the same way! I was so worried that my oldest child would feel left out, neglected, or just not as close to me. I made it a point to let her help me as much as possible. And never turned her away from the baby. Now, they're 2 and 1 and are inseparable. My oldest just adores her sissy and tries to always "mommy" her. It's amazing to watch her be such a good older sibling. The bond changes yes ,but in a great way.


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I understand what you are feeling I am due in a couple weeks and my 4 year old son has been super clingy. I just let him be. It will just be an adjustment, but there will still be plenty of time and love to go around.


Posted at
Oh yes, YES! Me too. I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I feel guilty and sometimes resentful of the new baby coming between me and my son. I've always told my son that he is my favorite person in the whole world, and now when it slips out I know I can't keep saying it anymore. The worst is when he comes into our room in the morning and comes to my side of the bed and wants to crawl into bed and cuddle. He won't be able to do that when the co-sleeper gets attached. And he won't be able to climb all over me and cuddle if there's a new tiny baby beside me. And what if he gets jealous?! What if he feels replaced?! What if he reaches up to me and wants to be held but my hands are full and I have to tell him not now?! Oh my sweet little boy! In my head I "know" it will be great, and I'm not ruining his life by introducing a new person, but I just can't "feel" it yet. I keep reminding myself that I'm giving him his best friend. I look at brothers my age and older and see how close they are. My husband has a younger brother the same age difference as these boys will be and they are so close. That makes it better. I know one day my son will love his brother more than anyone else, besides momma. ;) We're giving our sons a very precious gift, a lifelong best friend. Our new babies are as much for them as they are for us. 


Erin • Jun 30, 2016
This is exactly how I feel!


Posted at
I have a son too and I'm due July with a girl. I have had those bittersweet feelings of "I only have a little longer alone with him!" He is 6 1/2 and it's only ever just been us. He has had all of our attention. But he is excited to be a big brother and I'm really excited to see him with this new sister. It will be fun seeing their bond grow. Maybe if you just think of it that way? How old is your son?


Britney • Jun 30, 2016
Yea I understand! You will probably be surprised at how well everyone adjusts! I'm happy about the age gap because it's fun to see how much they understand! Good luck for an easy, healthy labor!


Kelly • Jun 30, 2016
aww same here. my son will be 6 in August and I'm being induced friday to have a little girl. he's so excited to be a big brother but he's all I've ever known and it was just me and him for 3 years until my husband came along. I got emotional thinking about it last night since tomorrow will be my last day with him and then she'll be here. I know I'll adjust to it, it's just sad right now 😭😭😭