So I have a great husband!

My husband and I found out right before he deployed for 7-9 months that I was pregnant. We have been trying for 14 months with a molar pregnancy. He left when I was 4 weeks along, and up until yesterday I was doing great emotionally. Well yesterday I had a bad breakdown, and literally screamed at my mother in law because I haven't heard from him for over a week, and everything seemed to be falling apart. I'm not kidding. The garbage disposal broke, a light in the kitchen also broke, then the washer broke, and then I saw that he was getting 300 less on his paycheck. ( I was NOT MAD at him about the 300 less paycheck.) yesterday all the bills came in at once and I realized that the bills my husband put on automatically paid weren't actually automatic, and now 3 bills are over due. Then I started freaking out that he was using his credit cards on deployment while he was supposed to be paying them off. I don't usually have break downs like this. Usually I'm really reasonable with everything. His mother calmed me down alittle, and told me to email him, and see if he emails back. So I emailed him everything that's been bothering me. He emailed me back 5 hours later, and told me he will call me as soon as he could. 3 hours later he called, and started immediately calming me down and telling me everything is going to be fine. That we will make it through this deployment. He calmed me down in 5 seconds by just hearing his voice, and after relaxing me he became the loving nagging husband. He told me I need to eat healthy for the baby and for myself. I need to eat period. I need to stop stressing. I love my husband, and he's the most amazing man even a million miles away on a ship some where. And I can't wait till he's home :)  I know I know who cares but I really just wanted to boast about my amazing husband.  
Have a happy and healthy nine months you all!