Engaged at 15?

My boyfriend and I are 15 and he wants to get Engaged. Where I come from this is extremely unheard of. What do you think?
I decided to add that I am going to be 16 in two months and so is he. It's still very young, and I told him a promise ring would do fine for now. I've seen some slightly rude comments since I created this post, and I ask for you to please take this seriously. There is no need to be rude for those of you that I have not done any harm to. Keep in mind that we all have our own separate beliefs and I feel that we should respect one another for that. Keep in mind that this is a place where women should feel safe. I do not appreciate judgement or shaming of any kind in response to this post. No one should cause someone to feel guilty for anything they have done in the past. After all, it was only a thought and I never said I would follow through with it. Other than that, I have seen many positive comments and I appreciate your kindness!