Did I feel my son and what did everyone else experience??

I'm currently almost at 19w, just had an ultrasound a few days ago go find out I'm having a boy! He was extremely active the entire ultrasound but he did manage to give no trouble in seeing what he was and how his body was growing. He entire time he would move his arms around and punch my stomach which I couldn't feel yet and he would keep taking his knees to his stomach and kick out both legs at a time. The tech said your son is definitely going to be giving you a ride. Yesterday I had about 2 hours of a weird feeling in my stomach it wasn't stretching because I understand that feeling very well now, but almost like my insides moving around like little thuds and small blows to the inside of my stomach. It wasn't painful just very consistent and never experienced it in my life. Felt like something was pushing at my gut. Then it stopped and haven't felt it since that I know of. Could this have been the baby?? What did everyone experience their first time? I haven't felt the baby externally yet but just wondering it was the baby I felt inside. Thanks!