Stretch marks on men


Hey! Can we maybe have a discussion about how men can get stretch marks and they're still beautiful and handsome as hell. If women with stretch marks can be powerful tigress's then so can the tiger boys. We have all be a massive pride of powerful tigers. 
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I have them on my tummy and they have been there for 6-7 years now. Its a sore reminder of when My depression started and when I had my first Eating disorder. Bulimia. A lot of things happened when I was ten years old. Example I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression. After lunch I would go to the bathroom and just the thought of fatty foods in my system repulsed me. The was diagnosed with bulimia and called a Vomit Freak when I told my Ex best friend.


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My BF has them on his thighs and lower back. I just find them so attractive even though he hates them. 


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My boyfriend has some on his back. I like to follow them with my finger and am fascinated by how they're shiny