Do you think he will change...?

Danni • I'm 21. ✌🏻️
My husband went out with his friends Saturday night and ended up not coming home until 2 in the morning. I had been calling and texting for hours and his phone had died. He gets home and I'm so mad because his friends wouldn't respond to me either. He gets home and we start arguing. It's gets heated and I start packing a bag to stay at a friends so it didn't get over hand. The then locks me in my closet for 30 minutes. He finally lets me out and I go into the bedroom and start grabbing more stuff he then grabs me and shoves me into my dresser. So I go over by my bed and get my phone and start calling my friend and he grabs me and we start fighting over my phone for about 5 minutes when he finally gets my phone and won't give it back to me. He wouldn't let me leave the room either so I just laying in bed and rolled over. The next morning I wake up and he gives me my phone back and I immediately text my best friend and say help me I'm at home come now. She shows up and I grab my bag I packed the night before and I stayed gone for 48 hours. He tells me that we will get anger help and that he will never do it again... But all my friends keep telling me that he will keep doing it and that no matter what counseling or anger management we take that he will still put his hands on me. What do y'all think...?