So much anxiety!

Stormie ☔ • Christ saved me from myself, I owe and offer everything I am to Him. Happily married homeschooling Mama of two with one in Heaven 🥰 Nurse. Crafter. World Changer.

Alright. So. I'm an RN. I worked two jobs through the week before my scheduled c-section (part time and as needed)...

Since having my son, my husband and I have decided it's best for me to stay home with little dude, for the most part, until he's a year old.

So. This weekend I agreed to work Saturday and Sunday. Mostly because I want to save up some money to buy cute baby things whenever I want and also to help out with bills. I also have student loan debt to pay back that I don't want to push off on hubby.

I agreed to work on Tuesday. I have been dying slowly on the inside ever since.... just the thought of being away from my baby is crushing me! He is EBF and gets a rare bottle. My husband will be the one keeping him, but I am still so nervous and distraught.

On the other hand, I so kinda wanna be a little social and fulfill my passion. But those things take back seat to my baby. I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake by agreeing/volunteering to go in 😔