3 days till AF. Whos with me ☔

MiSs🌈iRiS • 👼our baby was to beautiful for earth👼

I hoping she doesn't show , & I get a BFP😍😍but isnt that all we hope for every month ladies, soon to be momma's!?! We all hope to see the second line , or the digital pregnant .. Don't give up hope , one day it'll be our time that GOD blesses us with our little miracle , and for those like me our little 🌈rainbow baby!

3 days till my period according to glow, what are your symptoms ? I'm slightly dry , this morning woke up with sore boobs & have had weird headache since lastnight.. Feeling kind of warm inside as if I was catching a cold. My lower back had been aching but not today.

Can I get any advise as to what prenatals y'all might take or any other remedies you girls use to help or helped you get pregnant?!? Thanks love you my glow friends🌼