So I just switched to the Depo shot from the pills because it is so much more convenient and I read about it and knew there were side effects but I am wondering if anyone has had the same side effects I have.... Which were NOT in the list.
I have really mild periods never have pain or cramps but when I'm on my period it LITERALLY feels like I'm passing a tennis ball. I was having contractions like I was have a baby.....
Not to mention.... AFTER the period... SEX is so painful... When the penis seems to hit the cervix which normally can be just a little uncomfortable... It is excruciating pain for me to the point me and my bf have to stop... I've never had problems with sex either and rough sex can actually be enjoyable at times but now it just HURTS... BAD! 
Am I the only that has experienced this? It's only been a month that I've been on it...