Vacation Fury

Ok I need some inside. My BF and I have been talking about taking a little getaway since last October. We have been together for about a year now. (We are in a LDR too. And he has a 10 year old son. Please keep that in mind.) anyways, we were going to go to Chicago last October for my bday, and that fell through, he didn't really try hard enough TbH. We had planned to try to go away again for my bday in October again, and he opted out of it and said maybe it's better I stay with him for the week. I like an agreed, giving his sons in school. I haven't seen him since April. I gave him dates for the beginning of August just for the weekend bc he would be able to find a babysitter for the weekend. Long story short he got denied the days from work. Yesterday find out, after making arrangements for the end of the month he ended up getting the days off. I was like ok, I'll come out earlier his response was no I'm gonna take my son for a weekend trip. Might as well do something. I said cool that'll be fun. Then a few hours later, he drops the bomb that he is going to pick up extra shifts at work bc he wants to take his son to London. I was shocked. So I asked him nonchalantly and said would I be going with you boys. His response was maybe but I'm reluctant to share it. It's a father son thing. I stayed quiet and am still very bummed out. We were suppose to go to Chicago in October last year, didn't happen, we were gonna go to Texas this October for my birthday not happening anymore. And now he's going to make sure he saves up to go to London. But that I shouldn't worry bc he'll bring me back a souvenir.
 I'm livid bc he never finds time to go away with me. Work is always the issue, and money is "tight" but he's going all out for this London trip and making sure he has 10k to spend with his son there. We have never gone away together and since we've been in this LDR I've always done the traveling bc it's easier for him bc he has his son. And I'm upset bc I've been dying to go away with him. We've never gone away together anywhere, and I'm frustrated now.