Could Using A External Vibrator Effect Implantation??

Hi, I Have Been TTCing For A Year Now But No Joy, I Thought Well I Will Try This Month To Not Use My Toys Between Ovulating & AF, I Never Use Them Internal But I Have Read A Few Reviews Online Off Other Women Asking The Same Question, They Asked If It Would Effect Implantation Being Successfull Because They Was Scared Of Shaking It Away From The Uterus Wall & Effecting It Implanting, Thought I Would Post On Here To Hear Your Views On It, I Never Get Cramps Until The Day I Come On My Period, <a href="">Glow App</a> Says I Am Due On Tuesday, A Few Days Away But I Have Had Cramps For 2 Days Now, Dont Want To Build My Hopes Up Again For AF To Turn Up & Crush Me 😔 Been Using Cheap Tests & There Coming Back BFN, Which Test Would You Recommend To Be The Most Accurate? Sorry A Few Questions There? 🙈 Only Put Anon Incase There Is Anyone We Know On Here (Its A Secret 😉) x