Pregnant with my 2nd baby! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

Lizi โ€ข 20 years old! ๐Ÿ’•1 daughter Olivia! Pregnant with another!๐Ÿ˜˜Married to the love of my life Nick! ๐Ÿ˜
I just found out June 17th we are expecting baby number 2! We are supper excited and hopping for a boy. We already have a little girl that's 2 years old and this will be our last baby. My husband is 21 and I am 20 but I will be 21 when this baby gets here and he will almost be 22, when our daughter was born he was 20 and I was 18. We don't know exactly how far along we are because our first doctors visit is on the 18th but we are guessing that we are about 6 weeks right now and this pregnancy is way different then with our daughter. I had morning sickness everyday all day long with her at this point and with this baby I don't have a lot but just a little morning sickness but I have noticed my anxiety has been way worse here lately and I have had some extremely painful what feels like period cramps and I don't remember feeling this with my daughter. Sometimes I also feel like the baby is up higher and kicking around which sounds crazy like I should be a lot farther along but I know I'm not because I can't feel the baby when I push my stomach where I feel the "kicks". My periods have never been regular so honaslty I have no idea how far along I am. I just have a feeling that our due date is Febuary 23rd.ย 
1) Are these cramps I'm feeling normal?ย 
2) What could these "kicks" I'm feeling be?ย 
3) Is having a successful vbac after 2 years almost 3 sound realistic?ย