OH nasty when he drinks

So last night my OH was drinking like he usually does on a weekend (not at work today so long weekend) and everything was fine for a while. Then he started to change, as he usually does and started causing silly arguments between us and then getting aggressive. I ignored his silliness and went to bed with our little one. 
When he came to bed a few hours later after having more to drink, he started again. He was being unnecessarily mean to me, calling me a dickhead for no reason so I told him to shut up. Then he started shouting at me and grabbed our quilt off of me so I was lying there in the cold. After a little while lying there, I got up as I decided I'd sleep on the sofa. He followed me in and started being aggressive again, pulling that blanket off me too so I got up to go back into the bedroom and got into bed. He then continued to talk to me like shit so I tried to leave the room only for him to race me to the door to stop me from leaving. He said somerging about me being controlling or always trying to control the situation (I can't remember properly) and went on to say that that's why my dad left me when I was a child, which was completely irrelevant to what was happening but he knows how much my dad leaving messed me up. 
Anyway, fast forward to this morning and he claims to not remember anything and he's "so sorry and he was out of order". And yet every time I tell him I don't like it when he drinks because he gets aggressive and we argue he denies it...