Baby models??? Need help?

Kendra • Just had my twin girls on June 10th
I have a ? For all my mommy friends on here. I have had a couple people tell me I should look into trying to get the girls into baby modeling and after getting a few more unbiased opinions after it was initially seriously suggested to me by my new ob well I guess he's my new gyno not my ob anyways a obgyn whose delivered thousands of babies and when he mentioned it I laughed and was like oh everyone says that but that's sweet of you to say and he's like no I'm dead serious and it can pay very well he wouldn't even let me leave until I promised I would seriously check into it I've been considering it however besides Google I'm not sure where to start. So if anyone knows anything about this stuff or have done it yourself with your little one or even knows someone whose done it I would really appreciate anything you could tell me about it. Modeling was never something I was into and although I think my girls are amazingly beautiful and I'm totally biased this thought never even crossed my mind so I have no clue how to go about anything so feel free to give me and info or tips you have if you have any knowledge. It seems like something that they could enjoy and we could do together just me and them, however I will say if it somehow would actually be crazy enough to happen if they didn't enjoy it that would be a wrap I would never make them do something as such they didn't enjoy! I'm willing to put in the work to atleast give it a try if I can just figure out how to go about it the correct way without getting scammed! Just the fact someone in his line of work was so adamant about it and made me promise was such a compliment and really made my whole day. I was just pumped when they won a photo contest on a fb page my twins are cuter lol plus they got some cools swag lol I'll post a pic! Thanks for reading ladies hopefully someone can give me some advice!
Here the cool swag they won!! They weren't in the mood to sit still at this particular moment in time as I'm sure you can tell hahaha