Experience with a nurse during recovery

I honestly and still depress by a situation that happened at hospital, one of the days I was there a new nurse came in for her shift, came in dump a cup of meds for me and didn't see her until I req for her. I had a c section so I was in quite bit of pain, I had Barley started walking so I did req her to come in to help me just get out if bed as my stomach was not feeling too well. She came in and asked what I needed, of coursed asked her to help her response was "you know you can get up by yourself right? " I was shocked I did tell her I just needed help getting up and I didn't need Her to Monitor while i use the bathroom. 1. She never helped me get up. 2. I was told not to leave baby by himself so she told me that I could roll the bassinet into the bathroom, mind you I'm still bleedin, I'm in pain and my bowel movement was not normal. I didn't know how to respond to that. I just said ok and she left I had to get up four times to use the bathroom and each time i rolled the bassinet in it barley fit and I cried each time I did that. I'm usually a person who speaks my mind but I was so distraught and trying to keep it together I didn't say anything. After that another situation happened and let's just say she came back and left and never came back after here hours. My family members finally came after work and heard about the situation and let the head nurse know they were going to make sure she didn't come back to care for me any more. They were very apologetic but I cannot believe till this day I dealt with that. great hospital, had other great nurses who cared for me that did a great job but because one nurse who had a crappy day or who knows that was going on killed it for me,   I have never been under so much emotional  distress and till this day I still am. seriously feel like her actions impacted me mentally and of course physically due to the fact that for 8 hours I had to dealt with my baby and fresh wound by myself. What are your thoughts on this and what actions would you take if needed?