Really upset...

Last night my husband and I got in what was originally a petty argument, and turned into a huge fight. 
I don't like yelling... Or any kind of violence. He knows this and he's always respected this. I don't want to go into all the details, but he ended up throwing a drink (got it all over my hair) and ended up busting down our bedroom door which terrified me, I had a huge panic attack and couldn't breathe. I think he realized what he was doing and left, and called my mom because he was worried. He has a temper, but I've never been actually scared of my husband. Right now he's staying with a friend. 
I feel so panicky and scared and so upset. He's always been so well mannered, caring, loving, and we've been trying for a baby about 6 months now. All I keep thinking is: what will he do when we have a crying baby??? 
I really don't know what to do right now and I feel so alone. 😭😔