Missed my pill and now I'm having a mare please help!

So I missed my pill on Thursday and Friday (thought I'd taken them but left them on the side) then I missed it Saturday night (drunk and forgot - poor excuse I know). Anyway I then decided to take all three missed & another for Sunday on Sunday evening. Long story short I missed three. Took 4 at once. And now I've started bleeding. I then thought it was a great idea on Monday (today) to continue taking the rest of the pack as normal as I only have a week left. So I'm currently bleeding, still taking my pill and I'm supposed to be getting lucky on Wednesday 😁 does anyone know my risk of pregnancy and if/when the bleeding will stop. Should I continue the pack and then have my week off next week as I was meant to, or just suck it up and have my period a week early and miss getting laid. Please help a very forgetful girl in need 🙄