Sad 😥

Nikki • Aubri Lynn 03/27/2012 💜 Cayden Jace 03/03/2013 💙 Angel Baby 01/30/2016 💔 Rainbow Baby 12/12/2016 🌈 I have an amazing fiance who I plan to marry 10/28/2017 Couldn't be happier with life 💞💖
I had a miscarriage back in December. My neighbors at the time found out she was pregnant right before I did. She w as a little further along than me because they weren't trying and she didn't realize she was pregnant. She's being induced today. I'm just looking at it thinking that if I hadn't had a miscarriage I would be only 6 weeks from having my baby. I am so blessed to have gotten pregnant again and I am now 17 weeks but it's really hard. I don't even want to go on Facebook to see her pictures or anything because it breaks my heart that we were trying for 8 months and lost our baby 😥