2 weeks!

Elizabeth • Due 7/22/16
Well 2 weeks from today (7/20) will be my induction date if baby boy doesn't decide to come sooner- I am due 7/22 and FTM so could actually wait until the end of the month but my doctor is going out of town from 7/22-7/24 and the doctor that is on call is the doctor I switched to my current doctor from for many different reasons. At my appointment yesterday I asked the doctor if he would be willing to induce me before he leaves town if I haven't already gone on my own and to my surprise he was fine with this, although part of me still hopes I will go into labor on my own between now and then because I didn't really want to be induced, but I would rather be induced and comfortable with the doctor who is doing the delivery than risk delivering with a doctor I dislike. Is this selfish of me?