How have we not all gone insane?


Every movement, every cramp brings on questions. Every day could be the day. Every night is more uncomfortable and sleepless. Every day is more naps, snacking and growing weary of waiting. We have to keep telling ourselves it'll happen when it happens and it'll be worth it, all while growing anxious and running over random possible scenarios. We stand in the nursery, anxious to use the stuff people have given us, carefully arranging and rearranging diapers, wipes, stuffed animals and blankets. Check and recheck the hospital bag and make sure for the hundredth time hubby has a copy of the birth plan while our feet swell more. We drink all this water and still feel a little dehydrated and now call the bathroom our office. We still want to talk about our baby and how we are feeling, but we dread the prying questions from strangers. We are so tired. How do we manage to smile and keep going?

Because we are incredibly strong, and we are fully prepared for the journey of motherhood that lies ahead. We got this!