Remember some have been trying for years!

Not that anyone else would want to make an effort to make sure everyone else is comfortable and not upset but when ive been ttc for years and someone posts on announcements saying "tried for 3 months!" its almost annoying to me because Its like i dont think its considered "TRYING" if it happens within the 6 months. doctors make you wait 12 months to get any medical testing or treatments. Not that you shouldnt be happy or that i wouldnt say CONGRATS because i always do, just remember that your saying that to women who some are trying for 6-8 years! I think it should be something to think about when you do get pregnant and are going to post online or publicly about it. Mention the fact you feel for women who have to try for years (ive been trying for 4). This is not attacking anyone or saying you shouldnt be happy, just the whole "trying" reference is offensive to women who actually are TRYING and didnt get pregnant in the first 6 months. None of this should be offensive. If your not able to be an adult about something you shouldnt be getting pregnant or having children. Its simply the truth and ik im not the only one who feels this way. Im just the only one who felt like its something yall should understand when you get pregnant if you actually felt like you TRIED, you should understand that 100%