Stressed and heartbroken

Sophie • Our first baby! 💙 It's a BOY!
So first I will start off with the fact that I'm married to a wonderful man whom I love very deeply. It's 345am and I am beyond stressed about our life to come... My husband is in the Army and this is our first baby. I am currently 13wks along and we are very happy and excited about this baby! The reason I am becoming increasingly stressed is because we are PCSing (Army move to another duty station) across the country, to WA, (further away from family) but we also just found out that he will be deploying to Afghanistan very soon after we get there. We have come up with a back up birth plan where I fly home, to FL, for the last trimester so I can be home with family when the baby comes. This plan also includes me having no choice but to leave my 3 fur babies in foster care with strangers... My best friend is my dog, Sam, and I am beyond attached to her and her to me. This plan also means I would have no nursery setup for the baby, I would be living with my parents for months at a time, that my husband and my best friend won't be around for any of it when I will need at least one of them to not feel so alone. And to answer your question, yes I really am THAT attached to my dog... It's been me and her against the world for over 8years through thick and thin. She has been there for me to hug and dry my tears on her coat... Well I had a horrible nightmare tonight that my husband missed it all... and worst part is that he also didn't come home. So not only that but my best friend in the whole world was left in foster care with strangers and she wasn't there either... For me this dream felt so real and I woke up sobbing. I just don't know what to do! I don't know if my parents can or will want to handle my fur babies (2 dogs and a cat) for 3 months maybe 4! I haven't spoken to them about it yet, but I will soon. I just feel so stressed out and don't know what to do! We haven't even left the house we are in now and aren't even done packing it and I'm already this stressed out... 
These two are my whole world and the thought of not having either one of them around is just so unbelievably heartbreaking for me...