Gonna rant here..

My man and I had a real ugly fight tonight, I've got terrible anxiety and was having a day today. I came home all tired and wore out from work and he was being super sweet... We take turns buying dog food and tonight I mentioned that we needed some and it was his turn. He said it wasn't, but I remembered specifically it was. So I said I would show him the transaction- he got mad, and said never mind. Fine. I'll buy it.
Of course my big fat mouth had to put my two sense in and show him, and when I was trying to explain it, I missed his hint on how he wanted to drop it. Soooo he ignored me for OVER AN HOUR and I tried to "fix" things. He got mad with me and when I told him I was going to bed and I loved him, he said "good for you." 
Which hurt my feelings and broke my heart in the same swing. So I tried to go to bed in our apartment but with no avail so I stormed out and went to my moms. Stayed there for a couple of hours and now I'm home. He's in bed and I'm stressed 
I hate this shit and why are men so difficult?