
Hey ladies.

So i was talking to my bf and he brought up gaming and how hes gonna say no to our son playing cause i would say no to his son playing  ( he use to he really bad and kick throw things and cry if he couldn't play so we cut his time down Alot ) and i said ok but i dont really want him playing while hes young anyways id like him to be a kid and be dirty and etc.

So he started talking ab how his parents let the kids play and i said yes i know and i feel like they do it so they dont gotta watch them but whatever. And he said well i can't ask someone to watch the kids and tell them they cant do this and this and this its like yes u can they are YOUR KIDS. YOU MAKE THE RULES NOONE ELSE and if people can't follow it than they will hear my mouth specially with my son.

Any mommas agree or disagree?

Please no bashing just asking a question