The worst two day of my life!


So Tuesday night I was sexually harassed by my brothers friend, he just continued to tell me what he wanted to do to me and try to kiss me. I got that taken care of then my boyfriend and I had a fight the same night as it was happening. I thought he was angry at me for what happened but he was angry at the guy for doing it. And then on Wednesday my step dad said he was leaving and my mom said that she was too that he could have the house and everything else. Scared me to death. My boyfriend were fighting again and he said that he was leaving me and in the mix of me trying to convince him to stay the thing with my mom went down. I got angry enough to say I'm done to my boyfriend and we broke up. My mom came back like nothing happened. I cried myself to sleep last night because my life right now is a complete mess and then when I woke up I felt completely fine and productive. But I checked my phone and my ex is in the hospital and he won't tell me why. I'm just pissed at him and worried

I don't know what happened it's like these last two days have been crap and now I feel fine.

Sorry I didn't come on here to complain I just needed to rant it out.