Step parent- I need some perspective

So I'm the step mother to two beautiful children I adore. 7 & 9 years old and their father and I have a three month old together. I have a great relationship with them and I enjoy spending time with them, but with the baby, it can be sometimes challenging having them all by myself. 
Their mother... How to explain her... She's a good mom, but she tends to dump her children on others because he always needs a beak. They are with her during the week during the school year (her choice) But then we find out they spend the night at this person and that person, watching tv and eating crap all the time... It's upsetting but what can we do? She's their mother. 
What really gets to me though is that I always get "stuck" with them without being asked because of her manipulation. No one asks me anything, but because I'm home with the baby, it is the obvious choice that I will take care of them. Part of the problem is my boyfriend- he wants them at home, and I get that, but he works. And he doesn't stand up to her... And I get it, because she lies and twists the truth so that we never know what the schedule is until she decides when she wants them back. I have no problem with them being here- I love them, but I think I should be able to know what the schedule is and have some say in it because I'm the one actually being with them. For example, she left on a trip to Africa for a month this winter. At first she called twice a week, and then said she'd call next week and we didn't hear from her for three weeks! I'd have been worried if I didn't know her better. She then calls in the middle of the day, knowing everyone would be out, and says she arrives on Sunday. Sunday comes and I text her to tell her we are throwing her daughter a birthday party that day. She calls us at 8 pm and says she arrived two days prior and will be picking them up the next day so to have them ready. I was so sad for her daughter that she wasn't there when she could have been, and  felt so resentful for the manipulation.
Just this week she went off with her daughter to a yoga camp and left us with her son. Our arrangement was that half the week with us, half with her, but because of the camp, we had him all week. I get no say in this- just have to take care of him all week. Fine, that's cool. She calls us test day evening saying she will pick him up Thursday evening. She got back, without her daughter on Tuesday. Why the fuck didn't she come get him? Like, I don't mind having him but I want to know what's going on. I want to know when I can go out and plan my days. But no, it's all her schedule- what she wants to do. 
I just get caught in my emotions because I don't want it to be like I don't want them here.. I do. But I also don't like how things go down. 
Am I being petty? I struggle because I don't want to come across like I'm rejecting them but it almost feels like I am at times because of the frustration she gives me.
UPDATE: after her telling us she will get him at 4 today, when its her day to have him, she shows up at 5:30, talking on the phone as she walks in and says nothing about it, kisses my baby and leaves. I'm so over this woman