Growth Scan @ 36 Weeks? Possible induction.

Hi ladies! I just would like to hear everyone's opinions about this. We had our 32 week growth scan today and our baby girl is still measuring small. She is weighing on track of 3.7 lbs, but as far as percentile, she is only in the 21st. Belly being in the 9th and her head in the 6th. She is just petite! My doctor has told me there is no reason to worry, she is just little and they want to keep an eye on it. My fluid levels are perfect. We will be having another growth scan at 36 weeks to check her growth and if she is still measuring small then, they will check again at 37 weeks and possibly induce me due to her being small. Doctor has said that once your full term, if the baby isn't growing sufficiently, they grow better outside of the womb. Looking for some peace of mind. Has anyone else had this happen?