Sounds like a serious guy??

So this guy and I met up on happn. It's a dating app that shows people you passed by and match if you heart each other. We matched and exchanged numbers after a week then he started to constantly ask me out. I pulled all kinds of excuses on him for four weeks, totally thought he gave up til the fifth week he asked again and I decided to meet up, so I can call it off. 
I wasn't really interested in him but things clicked in so well when we met up. Very gentle person, we talked about families, works, even values. Both agrees we don't want hookup or one night. We talked 6 hrs and he didn't touch me at all. Before I left he asked for a hug and a good night kiss on cheek. I was very surprised by his behavior. 
Next day I realized I wanna see him again, surprisingly he texted me if I wanna go to the gym with him to workout (we are both into fitness) so I said sure. As soon as I sat in him car, he said "hm you didn't wanna hangout with me for 4 weeks now we are seeing each other 2 times within 12 hrs?" It was kinda awk. 
After the workout we hang at my place, straight 4 hrs he didn't touch me at all, then before he left we started to cuddle and eventually make out. He got a boner but didn't have sex. Precummed a lot tho. 
We are meeting up again tomorrow with his roommate and another girl as double date. We've been txting each other everyday but not much, not like constant txts. 
To be honest, it starts to sounds serious to me, I mean, not there yet, but very different from my other previous dates. I know it's still early stage but girls, any idea??