The world we're bringing our babies into

Shayna • 21, Hawaii, FTM 🌺
Non pregnancy related but I just had to vent. I am honestly so terrified to bring my son into this world. With this ridiculous presidential election coming up.. It amazes me how stupid us Americans can be. I don't even wanna think about the outcome at all. And all this police brutality going on, no my son is not African American but to know that he will be in a world filled with disgusting human beings is just, idk. Scary isn't even a word to describe it. We are in 2016 and racism still very much exists!! Why?! We can't even learn to accept people for loving who they wanna love, gay or lesbian who cares!! I can't stand the evil that is slowly taking over! I only pray that the generation of our kids will be raised to love/respect eachother no matter what. I'm sorry, everything going on from the Orlando shooting to the recent murder of Alton Sterling is just too much. And then I keep seeing idiotic videos of Trump on social media and I just can't believe we let him get so far. Okay yeah, vent over 😁 I can't wait for my baby to be arms I guess I just wish this was fairytale land where I know no matter what he'd be safe but sadly it can't happen that way 😒