Break Up Advice

I recently broke up with my boyfriend 4 days ago, because he wasn't making any effort to see or do things with me and I feel like he was cheating on me with another girl emotionally. We were together for 4 months and we live about an hour away. He's honestly been the best boyfriend I ever had and he always respected me and made sure I was happy and we had so much in common and always had fun together. I've honestly haven't cared for a guy this much in a long ass time. It became harder to see each other when the summer began because I work full time in a factory as summer help and he works a part time job that moved him to weekends, so our schedules didn't really match up. We got through June perfectly fine, but the last week of June he went down to his hometown and came back a different person. He wasn't as affectionate and didn't want to do anything because he felt like it was unequal because I was always driving up to see him and he wanted to wait until we were both available to see me and with out schedules and family vacations I would be moving to college before we would see each other. I didn't feel like he cared about me anymore and was placing a female friend of his needs before me and he thinks that visiting situation will be a bigger argument when I go to college because I'll be 2 hours away. It broke my heart and I didn't know what to do anymore. I miss him and I would honestly take him back, but I know my family would be mad at me and I feel like he doesn't miss me as much as I miss him. I know guys react to break ups differently than girls, but I feel like I made a mistake. What should I do?