Which is have you had more accidents in

Star • Its super natural

So i also would like to hear any embatrasing period stories, so here's mine

When i first got my period i was eating my beakfast and then boom i felt as if i had peed my self, so i went to the bathroom and surely i had gotten my period.

I Didnt know what to do so i went to school wearing 5 underwears with 10 extra. I was in my english class and i got nervous cause i same feeling i did when i was home. So i asked to go to the bathroom. And of course the teacher has to ask why. And im just like cause i do its an emergency. A few seconds later i hear my best friend walkimg up to me and she like

" honey i think you better go to the bathroom" and she handed me a pad and a tampod. Then the teacher said sorry and let me go. And when i turned around i knew everyonr one was recording. Later that day my friends brother shows me a snapchat story of a girl that recored the whoke thing!, i didnt do anything was i just **ing spammed her so much. So thats my story feel free to share yours 😊

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