He's here 😍😍


Cruz Eliodoro Orozco, born 7/7, 8lbs even, 21 inches long ❤❤

This is my first baby and my induction, labor and delivery couldn't have gone more smoothly!!

I was induced Wednesday at midnight. They gave me 1st dose of cytotex (softens cervix) 4 hours later with little improvement they gave me a 2nd dose. By 7am I started have contractions and my water broke on its own (awful feeling as you continue to leak fluid, mucus and blood from then on, something I didn't know) at this point I was dialated to a 3 (came in at a 2) Contractions were starting to become more intense but manageable.

I turned down the epidural at this point because I wasn't ready to be confined to bed.

As I continued to contract and dialate I started to beg for the epidural, not realizing it takes at least an hour to actually recieved it.(keep that in mind lafies cause I didn't know) By the time I got it i was at 6cm and ready for a nap. 2 hours on the epidural and I was already 10 cm ready to push. Baby was still a little high, so we decided to let baby take initiative and wait to push until he's ready. 30 mi utes later I tell them I'm starting felt the pressure and it was time to start pushing! Maybe 20 minutes of pushing and my prince made his entrance! Baby's heart rate was fast dropping and he had the chord wrapped around his neck so dr decided to use the vacuum to assist and get baby out but he couldn't have been more healthier. Scored 9/10 on the Apgar scale too!

Overall 7 hours of labor and 20 minutes of pushing. I tore a little in front, and dr cut me below but I anticipated it being worse. We were thinking he was gonna be a 9lb plus baby lol

I'm so in love and ready for this next chapter in life ❤