Confused.. Advice would be appreciated

I know we ain't doctors but I found out I was pregnant yesterday due to having strange pinching feelings which drove me to doing a test. I did 4 and all strong positives and 2x clear blue digital tests with the week detection which came back 2-3 weeks. 
I had what I thought was a period on 21-6-16 for 5 days so that would mean I am very early but I've been In hospital all morning due to servere pain on my back on the lower right hand side. They think possible urine infection but also having light bleeding..
They then said maybe I conceived earlier which would make me about 8 weeks but none of this makes sense! Are urine infections common I. Pregnancy? They checked my cervix and said its how it should be in pregnancy just waiting now for my blood test results to come back. I'm so worried and really want the best news :( 