Black lives matter.

why can't you accept people saying BLACK lives matter? We said BLACK LIVES MATTER, not ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER. Of course we all know that every life matters but in America not everyone believes that and we want them to know that black lives really DO matter."If you break a bone, that bone matters. Of course all of your bones are important, but the broken bone currently needs attention" can you people open your eyes and understand this instead of trying to shut us down ? it would prove that black lives, like ALL lives, matter to you too. That's why you're a part of the problem. We aren't saying other lives don't matter ok? The police that were killed matter too, it's not okay at all whatsoever. Most people that say "all lives matter" don't care for the black lives, that's why you want to overshadow us and ignore our plead for help. You wouldn't understand because you aren't black I guess. Some white people understand because they care about black people. Like really care about us. They will shed a tear about the tragedies we have to face. When you don't care for the black community you say "all lives matter, people get shot all the time" but it really isn't the same way black people get killed with NO CONVICTION. If you think black people don't face hardships because of the color of their skin.. that proves that you too, are a part of the problem. If you really believe all lives matter then you could say BLACK LIVES MATTER too because it would prove that we are fighting the same fight. If all lives really matter, say it with me:
So if you still come on this post exclaiming that all lives matter, I will recognize you as an undercover racist or an idiot and your opinion will either be ignored or deleted and you will be blocked because you're too ignorant to even understand what we are trying to say and do. If you're offended by this post, good. Be mad. You're a part of the problem.