Pregnancy symptoms ?

A few of my friends who are expecting have morning sickness and cant even stand tge thiught of food.. Im over here thinjing about ny next meal.. Im 6weeks awhike theyre 4-6 weeks.. Do we all get morning sickness?? Or food aggravations?? Because I haven't had any at all. My main symptoms have been, bloating, constipation, hungry.. Sooooo hungry like lat night we had Philly cheese steak and I would usually eat one but I ate two and they're pretty good size and I was still kind of hungrh, I also at like an hour before that, chicken strips and a lot of fries.. I'm sooo emotional, I cry at the slightest thing.. My SO could look at me the wrong way and I'll cry or if he even slightly sounds like he's yelling or getting upset with me, I'll cry my eyes out, if there's no food in the fridge (that I actually want) I'll cry, and I wanted apple juice sooooo bad and my SO told me no.. I cried.. Ugh, I have little bumps around my nipple, they're not really sore ?, I'm so tired, I went to bed around 11:30 the other night and woke up around 10ish, took a nap around 6 and woke up at 8:30 and then I went back to bed around 12 and woke up at 12:30.. I