Dallas Shooter Identified

RIP to the officers shot in Dallas. 
You will be missed. 
You will be remembered.
Know these names:
Officer Brent Thompson.
Officer Patrick Zamarripa.
Officer Lorne Ahrens.
Officer Michael Smith.
Officer Michael Krol.
Also note:
Officed Misty McBride, who was wounded but is expected to survive. 
Peace be to these men and women and their families.
Now for information regarding the shooter.
Micah Xavier Johnson. 25. No ties to terror groups. No known criminal history. Army veteran; he served in anfgahnistan.
He stated that he wanted to kill white people. He stated that he wanted to kill officers. He stated that he wanted to kill white officers.
He told the police he was unaffiliated with any groups. When asked about BLM he expressed anger against the group.
(I cross referenced this with some major news sources, but please correct me if needed!)
Just trying to help everyone stay updated,
Tij 🔎