I broke up with my Ob (Sorry for the long rant)

I am currently in my second trimester. Finally free of all the nausea and committing. It should be a good time. Baby is finally moving. Everyone knows. Well I wasn't. I'm a pretty laid back person (when it comes to my body and pregnancy). I found a Ob that was close to my job. Delivers at a hospital only minutes away. Doesn't make me wait 30-45 mins in the lobby for him. You would have thought I was a happy camper. But then I had a symptom that I had not experience with my first pregnancy. 
My veins were bulging in my arm and I kept experiencing a lot of tingling. At first I just kept note of it to bring it up at my next appointment. But then I went to my chiropractor. She was concerned that my blood pressure was slightly higher than before. I explained that I had just worked in the heat and ate a very large lunch (thanks Olive Garden). She informed me to contact my Ob. I gave him a ring. Informed him of what my chiropractor said. Instead of my Ob calling me back or asking for additional details (which the nurse cut me off from saying), the nurse informed me that I needed to go to the hospital and be seen that day. Being that I'm pregnant, I listened. I headed to the hospital. There I was blessed to have a horrible 6 hrs of being ignored. 
The intake person was great. They informed me that since I'm in my second trimester I would need to be transfer to the birthing center to be checked out. I was okay with that as long as the baby was okay. She asked me to lay down on a stretcher that was places in the hallway and wait for my nurse to check in on me. Then no one saw or checked in on me. No one drew my blood. Hours passby and I at this point I'm tired and getting hungry. I'm not one to cause a scene so I stayed quiet. Crying because of my exhausting(also cause I'm super emotional). Finally as the shift change is happening, someone comes over to me to verify who I am and trying to see why I was still there. He was a kind doctor that was scared I was in pain cause he is seeing me bright red and crying. I explain why I was there. He quickly got a nurse to draw blood. 20 mins later checks back in to see if I was feeling better and to informed me that everything is okay. I was relieved but at the same time pissed, tired and starving. The nurse checked my blood pressure again and said I could go home. 
Leaving that hospital, I was appalled with how I was treated. I am a very patient person in hospitals. I know that there are people being seen that are seriously hurt or could be dying. But this night was a quiet night. Since I was in the hallway, I could see the second shift nurses goofing off and talking about their weekends. Talking to the other employees. I was so upset, I informed my DH that I did not want to deliver at this hospital and if that meant looking for a new Ob I would be cool with that. 
Cut to my follow up appointment with my Ob (since he was the one that referred me to the hospital, I needed to see him within 48 hrs). He is completely oblivious to why I am there. Tried to blame the nurses for sending me to the hospital. Trying to just throw blame to anyone that is not him. Saying he would never say such things. I was getting even more upset. He didn't seem to care. As he was finishing up my general exam, he reminds me of our next appointment (25 week checkup) I kindly inform him that this would be our last  appointment and that I would be looking elsewhere for this period. Instead of asking for more information to fully understand why I would be leaving. He just reminds me that any appointments his office had scheduled would be cancelled. (Ultrasound appointments) I said that's fine and walked out of the office. I wasn't expecting much from him but at least a few questions on why I was leaving the practice. 
The great nurse that he was trying to throw blame on to comes and follows me out to see why I was upset and to see if I needed to change my appointment. I informed her of how I would be getting a new Ob. She kindly reminded me that I still had the two nurses in the office there to talk to. That they are here for me. I reminded her that although I appreciate her offer, they would not be in the delivery room with me and I would need an Ob I trusted. 
Now off to search for a new Ob. Hope everyone has a great weekend!