2 cord vessels instead of 3?

Christine 💜
So we had our anatomy scan on Thursday and our little Cole is lookong amazing! He's got all his organs they can see so far, nice strong heartbeat, and he's also a little ahead in growth in the 60th percentile. The only thing they were concerned about & have to monitor is the the cord has 2 vessels instead of 3. They don't seem too concerned about it right because all thr things it could affect are good right now. But they are going to be doing 2 - 3 more ultrasounds between now & when I deliver him to make sure he is still growing like he should as well as his kidneys and they are functioning properly. They said 90% of cases like this everything turns out fine which is a relief.but I just want to know if any of you mommy's out there have already experienced this as well and what the outcome was? Btw, please do not be rude. We have more hate than we need going om in our country right now.